Ajay Galagali
1 min readJan 4, 2021


Development experience in KWoC

About KWoC
Kharagpur Winter of Code is a 5-week long online program for students who are new to open source software development. The program not only helps students to get involved in open source, but also prepares them for many open source summer programs; Google Summer of Code being one of them.

Selection of Project
I am novice android developer. I had selected android projects to contribute. There wasn’t much options available to choose, nevertheless I chose the fun and interesting projects mentioned below.

1. Health-Log
Android App for hospitals to store there patient’s log.
I have implemented splash screen (#12)and debugged the crashing of app(#23).

2. Frisson
It is an android application to read reports of UFO sightings.
I have implemented splash screen for the app(#12).

It was great learning opportunity for beginner like me. This was my step into open-source world. I had learnt about opening PR, communicating with the mentor and working remotely. I wasn’t able to contribute much but nevertheless its good start. Looking forward to participate in more such events.

Edit: Verify the certificate here

